The Person responsible for data processing within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) or equivalent regulation is : EXPLEO GROUP S.A.S., Registered Office: 3 Avenue des Prés, 78180 Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France. A French company governed by French law. Simplified joint stock company with capital of 242,397,967.00 euros – Registered on the Trade and Companies Register under number 831 178 785 RCS Versailles - Phone: +33 130122500  

Referred to as “we” or “us”. 

Reference in this notice to “personal data” means any information that identifies, or could reasonably be used to identify a living individual, either on its own or together with other information. In addition to this Privacy Notice, please also refer to our Terms and Conditions, as well as our Cookies Notice which explains the use of cookies and other web tracking devices used on our website. Together these documents set out the basis on which any personal data will be processed by us. 

Please read this notice carefully to understand our practices with respect to personal data. 


As a website-based open innovation platform, we regularly receive personal data as part of the services. The personal data that we collect and process may include: 

Personal data that you give us, including: 

  • Registration. We collect the mandatory information required to create your user account and to register for the services we provide on our website, meaning your name, email address, and password used for your usual connexion to EXPLEO’s services.  
  • If you just want to browse the content of the website, that will be the only personal data that will be processed 
  • If you want to participate to the challenge, the website will allow you to create a profile and provide further personal data to help you join a team and exchange with your colleagues. This profile will be visible to help participants to find teams and partners. You have choices about the information in your profile. You don’t have to provide additional information in your profile; but profile information helps you to get more from the services, like being identified by teams to participate in a challenge. Your profile will also show membership in a team(s). 
  • Messages, postings and uploads. We collect personal data from you when you provide, post or upload it to our website, such as when you register for a challenge, when you upload deliverables (e.g., documents, presentations, audio/video files) submitted as part of your participation in a challenge, when you chat or message with other members of the community, post announcements, or use public message boards. 
  • Technical information. We keep a record of any correspondence between you and us, such as information that you send when you report a problem with our website or service. 
  • Any other information relating to you which you may provide to us. 

Information that we collect automatically from a third-party source, including: 

Technical Information. When you visit our website, we collect information relating to the devices you use and the networks to which you are connected.  This technical information includes your IP address, log-in information, bandwidth used, time of visit, browser type and version, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system, information about your visit including the URL clickstream, download/upload errors, pages visited, page interactions, and other connection data held in our logs. We collect this information using different technologies, like cookies (see our Cookies Notice). 


We retain your personal data so long as you have an account with us. If you close your account, your personal data will be immediately deleted. 

Information you have shared with others (e.g., through messages, chats or on message boards/walls) will remain visible after you close your account, but will be anonymized. Your profile may continue to be displayed in the services of others (e.g., search engine results) until the user refreshes their cache. 

If your account is suspended or blocked, we will keep your data for a period of between 2 and 5 years to prevent you from circumventing the terms and conditions of our website. 

We may also retain your personal data for an additional period to the extent necessary to assert or defend against legal claims.  


We use your personal date to provide, support and develop our innovation platform service. We use your personal data to: 

  • allow you to take part in the innovation challenges on our website; 
  • enable you to personalize your user profile/account; 
  • send you service-related information (e.g., confirmation of your registration in a challenge) by email and/or any other communication means; 
  • enable you to communicate and interact with other community members, such as team members, mentors, jury members and/or the organizers of a challenge (e.g., team member messages or invitations to join a team); 
  • publish an announcement that you are a finalist or winner of a challenge; 
  • give you access to our support services to enable you to communicate with us; 
  • keep our website secure and safe; 
  • notify you about changes to the services; 
  • administer our website, including for troubleshooting, access, data analysis, testing, research, analytic and survey purposes; 
  • improve our website to ensure that content is presented in the most effective manner; and 
  • comply with our legal obligations, including court orders and other legal or regulatory requirements. 


We may share your personal data with EXPLEO’s affiliates, for the purposes outlined in this Privacy Notice. 

Profile. When you use the services and ONLY IF YOU DECIDE TO PARTICIPATE IN THE CHALLENGE, your profile is fully visible to all members of our community, such as challenge participants, mentors, jury members and EXPLEO’s employees involved in the management of the challenges.  

Wall posts, messages and deliverables.  When you post on a message board/wall, it can be viewed by all members of the community. You can send messages to team members, individual participants, challenge administrators or mentors. Deliverables pertaining to the challenge, can be viewed by other members of your team (if applicable), challenge administrators, jury members and team mentors.  

We also work with third parties who are recipients of your personal data, such as: 

  • Agorize SAS which is the company hosting and maintaining the platform 
  • EXPLEO, its administrators, mentors and jury members, or other persons to whom it has granted access to your personal data for the sole purpose of administering the challenge.  We have entered data sharing arrangements with the companies with whom we co-organize a challenge to ensure compliance with data protection laws;  
  • our sub-contractors, who are technical (e.g., cloud computing platforms, data and content management and transmission systems; and 

We only share your personal data with third parties in the following cases: 

  • where it is necessary to perform our services (e.g., providing your personal data to a partner company with whom we co-organize a challenge); 
  • if we are required to do so by law or in a good faith belief that disclosure is reasonably necessary to respond to claims asserted against us, to comply with legal proceedings, in the framework of an investigation, or protect the rights, property or personal safety of EXPLEO or its members; 


We collect, use and share the data that we have in the ways described above:  

  • as necessary to provide the services on our website and fulfill the Terms and Conditions; 
  • consistent with your consent, which you may revoke at any time through your profile page; 
  • as necessary to comply with our legal obligations; 


We store your personal data in the European Economic Area.  If you use our website, your personal data may be shared among EXPLEO’s affiliates (both inside and outside the European Economic Area due to our international footprint). Our global policy requires all affiliated entities to ensure a level of data protection at least as protective as those mandated by the European Economic Area. 

We may also transfer personal data to third parties, including those based outside the European Economic Area, for example (but not limited to) sub-contractors and third parties involved in providing services.  When we transfer your personal data, we will do this in accordance with applicable data protection laws and will take appropriate safeguards to ensure its integrity and protection.  


We will take appropriate technical and organizational measures against unauthorized or unlawful processing of your personal data and against accidental loss or destruction of, or damage to, your personal data in accordance with our internal security procedures covering its storage, access and destruction. 


In addition to your rights under applicable data protection legislation and where we are permitted or required by applicable law and regulation, we will provide you, upon request, with a copy of your personal data and we will correct any errors identified by you. You also have the right to receive and/or have us transfer to another data controller a subset of your personal data.  You have the right to object to and restrict our processing of your personal data as well as the right to lodge a complaint with supervisory authorities regarding the processing of your personal data. All such requests, or any questions or comments regarding this policy or our handling of your personal data, should be addressed to  


Our website contains links to other websites, including to partner companies. Those websites have their own privacy practices, for which we do not accept responsibility or liability. Please review those policies before submitting any personal data. 


This Privacy Notice was updated in September 2022. We reserve the right to amend this Privacy Notice from time to time to reflect changing legal requirements or our processing practices. Any such changes will be posted on this website and will be effective upon posting.  


A cookie is a file that records information relating to your navigation on our website (date and time the pages were loaded; browser used and language; pages viewed, frequency and duration of visits to the site, number of visits, sources of the visit, location) and can facilitate your visits to the site. 

During the first visit on the website, a consent window pops up to inform you regarding the cookies. However, only technical cookies (session and persistent) are implemented, which do not require your consent.  

Please note that if you uninstall a cookie or refuse the installation of cookies, you may not be able to use some of our services on our website. 

Types of cookies 

We use the following types of cookies: 

  1. Technical session cookies for site management: when you access the site, a session cookie and a cookie “token” with unique encrypted session id code is passed to your computer. The session cookie then controls your access to the site for that session, and is deleted once you close your browser or log off from the site. The token cookie controls your access to the website as an authenticated user, and is kept until you logout or for a maximum of 7 days. These cookies also allow us to identify your device and preferences when you return to our website, such as customized features, language and regional preferences. These cookies are an essential part of the site delivery system, and you will not be able to fully use our site without these cookies enabled. The information gathered by these cookies is anonymous, and is used only to improve your experience on our website.[Text Wrapping Break] 
  1. Technical persistent cookies for site management: if you register on the site and select the "Remember me" option, a persistent cookie is passed to your computer. This cookie is not deleted when you leave the site or close your browser, but is saved on your computer. This cookie contains an encrypted user id code that identifies your computer upon future visits and automatically logs you into the site. This cookie is functional, and is designed to remember your preferences, to make your experience on our site better. It does not contain any personal information that could be used to identify you. 

Cookies installed by Agorize: 



Opting out 




Contains information about the navigation session and allows the user to access the site 


Expires at the end of the session. 


Saves a user's choice regarding cookies 


13 months 


Contains a key specific to the user after successful login. This is a mandatory cookie to navigate as a logged in user. 



7 days 


Contains user information specific to the user after successful login. This is a mandatory cookie to navigate as a logged in user. 


7 days 


Keeps the user logged in if the remember me option is selected upon login 


14 days 


Helps users filling their information on the website 


13 months 

How to delete, be notified when cookies are installed or configure your browser? 

Click here to change your cookie preferences 

Clearing cookies already installed on your computer. 

You can clear the cookies already installed on your computer by clearing your browser’s cache. For instructions on how to remove cookies on the Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and Internet Explorer browsers, click here. 

Configuring your browser to refuse cookies, or to be notified when cookies are installed. 

All web browsers enable you to set your cookies preferences before you navigate the internet. For instructions on how to configure your web browser to refuse cookies or to notify you when cookies are installed, click here.   

If you have questions about our Cookies Policy, please email us at